BARCELONA - The Palau de la Generalitat is a medieval building located in the historical center of Barcelona. It has already for centuries the seat of the Government of Catalonia and the Presidency of the Generalitat. The 49 bells of the carillon sound from the top of the palace. Excellent listening places are the Pati dels Tarongers (the patio of orange trees) and the Galeria Gòtica (the gothic gallery) within the Palau de la Generalitat.
CONGRESS The 19th WCF World Congress will be held in Barcelona from Saturday July 1 till Wednesday July 5, 2017. The congress is organized by the Confraria de Campaners i Carillonistes de Catalunya with the support of the Catalan government.
POST-CONGRESS A post-congress is planned at other locations in Catalonia. The dates are Thursday July 6 till Sunday July 9, 2017. The post-congress offers some more culture, carillon, swinging bells and tourism, with i.a. a visit to the impressive Roman city of Tarragona.
REGISTRATION The website of the congress contains more details about the congress program and offers the possibility to register online. Click for the website on the following link: 
Registration includes all congress material, congress picture, several meals, bus transport,... and entrance to various treasures of Barcelona, like the Palau de la Generalitat, the Palau de la Musica, the Museum of Instruments, the Sagrada Familia,... and several special carillon concerts, with some surprises!
EXTRA CARILLON EVENTS A pre-congress will be held from June 23 till June 28 in Portugal, organized by CICO (Centro Internacional do Carrilhão e do Órgão) and the Municipality of Constância. Contact CICO .
Following the post-congress, on July 9, a Carillon Day in Perpignan, France, will be organized by Elizabeth Vitu and Laurent Pie.