BOLSWARD - On Saturday 28 August 2010 the Nederlandse Klokkenspel-Vereniging organizes in cooperation with the City of Bolsward an International Carillon Competition on the carillon of the City Hall in Bolsward. Immediate cause for the city of Bolsward to initiate this contest is the 555th anniversary of the city and the installation of the carillon, 55 years ago.
The carillon with 44 bells is tuned in equal temperament and has a fully chromatic range c2 - chrom. - g5, attached to the keyboard as c1 - chrom. - g4. The bells of this first carillon of bell-foundry Eijsbouts in Asten were cast in 1949 en installed in the tower of the 17th century city hall in 1955. The carillon is located at a height of about 25 meter in an open spire and has a standard North-European keyboard. The instrument was renovated in 2005.
CONTEST The contest starts at 10.00 hours and ends with the prize-giving ceremony at 17.00 hours. The competition has two categories: carillonneurs with a diploma and carillonneurs without a diploma. The minimum playing time for every candidate is 15 minutes and the maximum 20 minutes.
Category A (with diploma) is performing in the afternoon. For this category the compulsary work is 'Bell Canto' of Geert D'hollander (born 1965). The compulsary piece will be sent to each candidate. Every candidate has to play at least one freely chosen original carillon composition and can pick other works as desired. It is however not allowed to exceed the maximum playing time of 20 minutes.
Category B (still without a diploma on 1 January 2010) is performing in the morning. For this category the compulsary pieces are 'Gavotte et Double' of Willem de Fesch (1687-1759). The compulsary piece will be sent to each candidate. Every candidate has to play at least one freely chosen original composition. More works are allowed, on the condition that the maximum playing time of 20 minutes is not exceeded.
AWARDS Category A. The 1st prize is € 750 and three recitals in 2011. The 2nd prize amounts € 400. Category B. The 1st prize is € 350 and one recital in 2011 and the 2nd prize € 200.
JURY Members of the jury are Nico Poorter (president - carillonneur and music teacher), Gijsbert Kok (carillonneur and organist), Anne Kroeze (carillonneur, organist and conductor), Adolph Rots (carillonneur and organist), and Jasper Stam (carillonneur and musicologist). The jury is assisted by a non-voting secretary. The jury regulations of the NKV are applicable. The compulsary piece and all freely chosen work(s) together will be equally appraised by the jury.
OTHER CONTEST REGULATIONS The findings of the jury are final, the jury has the right not to award one or several prizes. When freely selected works exceed the maximum time, the jury may delete a portion of the piece or leave some of it without rating. The sequence in which the participants will perform is decided upon by drawing lots. The jury will not know the identity of the participants. So participants are judged anonymously.
In each category not more than six candidates are admitted. In the case of a disproportionate distribution of the number of candidates over the two categories, the board of the NKV may decide to change the partitioning of the prize money and the number of participants in a category. All participants will be informed timely about such decisions.
INVITATION You are kindly invited to participate in this contest. The application period starts immediately and closes on Monday July 12, 2010. Please send (a copy) of the application form to the mentioned address or by sending an e-mail . A copy of all free chosen work(s) has also to be sent (later) to this address. None of the music sheets may contain notes that could enable the jury to identify the participant.
The application form is now available as PDF-document 