GDANSK - The programme of the 15th World Congress of the World Carillon Federation to be held in Gdansk (Poland) consists of a variety of activities. Recital programmes and lectures throughout the congress will reflect the theme of the Congress: Carillon - historical instrument for the future. Recitals will not only be given on the carillon of the Old City Hall and on the Travelling Carillon of the Dutch bell-founder Eijsbouts, but also on the carillon of the St. Catherine church.
The congress starts officially on Sunday July 16, 2006 and ends on Thursday July 20, 2006. The Executive Committee and the Committee of Delegates meet on Saturday July 15 in the City Hall and on Tuesday July 18 in Malbork Castle.
10.30-13.00 |
WCF Executive Committee meeting. |
17.00-21.00 |
WCF Committee of Delegates meeting. |
9.00-10.40 |
Guild presentations in the Old City Hall. |
11.00-12.00 |
Official opening of the World Congress (Artus Court) with honorary guest Lech Walesa. |
12.00-13.00 |
Congress Concert 1 on City Hall carillon (Henk Verhoef). |
13.00-14.00 |
Free for lunch. |
14.00-15.00 |
Guild Concerts on carillon St. Catherine church (Wim Ruitenbeek - NKV / Wilhelm Ritter - DGV). |
15.00-19.00 |
Music Shop open / Free time. |
19.00-21.30 |
Mass in Maria church / Concert by Capella Gedanensis. |
9.00-9.45 |
Lecture 1: "Music in old Gdansk" (Dr. Danuta Szlagowska). |
10.00-10.45 |
Lecture 2: "Bell music in old Gdansk" (Dr. Danuta Popinigis). |
11.00-11.45 |
Lecture 3: "Eggert's Manuscripts" (Frank Deleu). |
12.00-13.00 |
Congress Concert 2 on carillon St. Catherine church (Frans Haagen). |
13.00-14.00 |
Free for lunch. |
14.00-15.00 |
Guild Concerts on carillon St. Catherine church (Malgosia Fiebig - PCS / Monika Kazmierczak - PCS). |
15.00-16.00 |
Free time. |
16.00-18.00 |
Boat trip in Gdansk harbour. |
18.00-21.30 |
Folk Evening and picknick in Wisloujscie Fortress. |
9.00 |
Congress Tour: Visit to Malbork Castle. |
10.30-12.00 |
WCF Committee of Delegates meeting. This will include: 1) Members of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America will make a presentation advocating the holding of Congress 2011 in Bloomfield Hills; 2) Members of the Carillon Society of Australia will make a presentation advocating the holding of Congress 2011 in Wellington, Sydney and Canberra. |
12.00-13.00 |
Congress Concert 3 on travelling carillon (Giedrius Kuprevicius). |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch in Malbork Castle. |
14.00-15.00 |
Guild Concerts on travelling carillon (Michel Goddefroy - GCF / Ann-Kirstine Christiansen, Laura Rueslatten, Sinikka Honkanen - NSCK). |
15.00-15.45 |
Lecture 4: "Some thoughts about a quality standard for carillon building" (Marc Van Eyck). |
16.00-16.45 |
Presentation of the Keyboard Committee about the proposed WCF Keyboard 2006. |
17.00-18.30 |
Free time. |
18.30-21.00 |
Dinner outside Malbork Castle. |
9.00-9.45 |
Lecture 5: "Contemporary American carillon music" (John Courter). |
10.00-10.45 |
Lecture 6: "Bells and bell music in China" (Tin-shi Tam). |
11.00-12.00 |
Music Shop open. |
12.00-13.00 |
Congress Concert 4 on carillon St. Catherine church (Todd Fair). |
13.00-14.30 |
Free for lunch. |
14.30 |
Tour to Oliwa and Sopot. |
15.00-15.30 |
Visit to Oliwa Cathedral. |
16.30-17.30 |
Guild Concerts on travelling carillon (John Courter - GCNA / Liesbeth Janssens - VBV). |
17.30-19.00 |
Free for dinner. |
19.00-19.30 |
Extra concert on travelling carillon (Twan Bearda and Luc Rombouts - quatre mains). |
19.30-21.00 |
Sight-seeing Sopot. |
9.00-9.45 |
Lecture 7: "Back to the future" (Carl Van Eyndhoven and Luc Rombouts). |
10.30-11.30 |
Official closing of the World Congress, including a presentation by members of the Stichting Martini-Beiaard Groningen on Congress 2008 in Groningen (Artus Court). |
11.40-12.00 |
Congress Photo. |
12.00-13.00 |
Congress Concert 5 on City Hall carillon (Geert D'hollander). |
13.00-14.00 |
Free for lunch. |
14.00-15.00 |
Guild Concerts on City Hall carillon (Christian Boon - ACW / Timothy Hurd - CSA). |
15.00-18.00 |
Music Shop open / Free time. |
18.00-20.00 |
Concert by Sinfonietta Cracovia conducted by Krzysztof Penderecki (Polska Filharmonia Baltycka). |
20.00-22.00 |
President's dinner (Artus Court). |
