GRONINGEN - The programme of the 16th World Congress of the World Carillon Federation to be held in Groningen (The Netherlands) consists of a variety of activities. Recitals will not only be given on the carillon of the Martini-tower, but also on the carillons of Appingedam, Middelstum, Veendam, and Winschoten.
The location for most of the meetings and lectures is the Academy Building of the State University of Groningen. The adjacent tower of the university houses a small 25-bell carillon with bells in major-third tuning.
The congress starts officially on Sunday July 13, 2008 and ends on Thursday July 17, 2008. The Executive Committee and the Committee of Delegates meet on Saturday July 12 in the Academy Building and again on Wednesday July 16.
14.00-16.00 |
WCF Executive Committee meeting. |
18.00-22.00 |
WCF Committee of Delegates meeting. |
10.00-12.00 |
Registration desk open (Academy building | Groningen). |
12.00-12.15 |
Bell ringing (Martini-tower | Groningen) |
12.15-13.00 |
Congress Concert 1 on Martini-carillon (Bernard Winsemius). |
13.00-14.00 |
Coffee and lunch (Academy building | Groningen). |
14.00-15.30 |
General Assembly - Opening session with Guild Presentations (Academy building | Groningen). |
16.00-17.00 |
Reception by Queens Commissioner, the Mayor of Groningen, and the Rector of the University (Province House | Groningen). |
17.00-17.30 |
Guild Concert 1 on Martini-carillon (Tin-shi Tam - GCNA). |
17.30-18.00 |
Guild Concert 2 on Martini-carillon (Frank Müller - DGV). |
18.00-19.00 |
Free for dinner. |
19.00-21.00 |
Service in Martini-church | Organ concert (Wim van Beek). |
21.00-22.30 |
Guild Concert 3 on Martini-carillon (Gideon Bodden - NKV). |
21.30-22.15 |
Congress Concert 2 on Martini-carillon (Anna Maria Reverté & Koen Van Assche - quatre mains). |
9.00-9.10 |
Announcements. |
9.10-9.40 |
Lecture 1: "Groningen, bells and organs" (Adolph Rots). |
9.40-10.10 |
Lecture 2: "Music for Carillon and Orchestra" (Tin-shi Tam). |
10.10-10.30 |
Coffee break. |
10.30-11.00 |
Lecture 3: "Music manuscript of Hendrick Claes (1630)" (Frank Deleu). |
11.15-11.50 |
Travelling to Middelstum. |
11.50-12.00 |
Word of welcome by mayor A. Roodenboog. |
12.00-12.25 |
Organ demonstration (Kees Steketee). |
12.25-13.10 |
Lecture 4: "Jacob van Eyck" (Dr. Thiemo Wind) with recorder demonstration. |
13.10 |
Lunch. |
13.15-13.45 |
Congress Concert 4 (Henk Veldman) and visit to keyboard and drum. |
13.45-14.15 |
Lecture 5: "André Lehr | Manuscript Spruijt" (Rainer Schütte). |
14.25-14.55 |
Travelling to Uithuizen. |
15.00-15.30 |
Organ demonstration (Sietze de Vries). |
15.30-16.00 |
Walk to Menkemaborg. |
16.00-16.30 |
Guild Concert 4 on Danish travelling carillon (Ulrik Damm - NSCK). |
16.30-17.00 |
Beverages. |
17.00-18.30 |
Travelling to Groningen (touristic route). |
18.30-20.00 |
Music Shop open | Free for dinner. |
20.30-21.30 |
Congress Concert 4 on travelling carillon - Vismarkt | Groningen (Rosemarie Seuntiëns). |
9.00-9.10 |
Announcements. |
9.10-9.40 |
Lecture 6: "18th century improvisation techniques" (Carl Van Eyndhoven). |
9.40-10.20 |
Lecture 7: "Two new profiles for major third bells" (Dr. Bert Schoofs). |
10.20-10.30 |
Coffee break. |
10.45-11.30 |
Travelling to Winschoten. |
11.45-12.00 |
Word of welcome by mayor J. Vlietstra. |
12.00-12.30 |
Lecture 8: "Impact of different playing techniques" (Koen Van Assche). |
12.30-13.00 |
Lecture 9: "The carillons of Sao Paula" (Laura Meilink | Serge Joris). |
13.00-13.20 |
Lunch. |
13.20-14.30 |
Congress Concert 5 on the carillon of Winschoten with electronics (Frans Haagen). |
14.45-15.30 |
Travelling to Veendam |
15.30-15.50 |
Beverages | Word of welcome by mayor A. Meijerman. |
15.50-16.15 |
Lecture 10: Carillon compositions of Wim Franken (Jacques Maassen). |
16.15-17.00 |
Congres Concert 6 on the carillon of Veendam (Bauke Reitsma). |
17.00-17.30 |
Guild Concert 5 on the carillon of Veendam (Dina Verheyden - VBV). |
17.30-17.45 |
Visit the instrument. |
17.45-18.20 |
Travelling to Groningen. |
18.20-19.45 |
Music Shop open | Free for dinner. |
20.00-21.00 |
Concert on organ of St. Jozefchurch | Groningen, theme: 'Carillon' (Bernard Bartelink). |
21.30-23.00 |
Open air bell-founding with medieval act. |
8.30-10.30 |
WCF Committee of Delegates meeting. |
9.30-10.00 |
Guild Concert 6 on Martini-carillon (Trevor Workman - BCS). |
10.30 |
Guild Concert 7 on Martini-carillon (Michel Goddefroy - GCF). |
10.45-11.30 |
Travelling to Heiligerlee. |
11.40-12.30 |
Lecture 11: "Van Bergen bell-founders" (Klaas and Jantje Haan). |
12.30-13.00 |
Lunch. |
13.00-13.50 |
Guided tour in Bell-foundry Museum. |
14.00-14.45 |
Travelling to Appingedam. |
14.45-15.00 |
Reception with coffee and tea | Word of welcome by mayor E. Groot. |
15.00-15.30 |
Concert on organ with soprano (Adolph Rots, Jitske Steendam). |
15.30-16.00 |
Lecture 12: "British bell-founders and modern bell tuning" (Geoff Armitage). |
16.00-16.30 |
Guild Concert 8 on the carillon of Appingedam (Jean-Claude Molle - ACW). |
16.30-17.00 |
Congress Concert 7 on the carillon of Appingedam (Jan Verheyen). |
17.00-17.45 |
Travelling to Groningen. |
17.45-18.30 |
Free time to prepare for evening. |
18.30-19.00 |
Travelling to Zeegse. |
19.30-22.00 |
Congress Banquet with music of 'Zwarte ogen'. |
9.00-9.10 |
Announcements. |
9.10-9.40 |
Presentation on congress subject 'Education' (Martine Talens). |
9.40-10.10 |
Presentation on congress subject 'Carillon Construction | Maintenance' (Gideon Bodden). |
10.10-10.30 |
Coffee break. |
10.30-11.00 |
Lecture 15: "Standards for advisors in carillon projects" (Ana, Sara and Albert Elias). |
11.00-11.30 |
Lecture 16: "Carillon education in the USA" (Linda Pointer). |
11.30-12.00 |
Congress Photo (Academy building | Groningen). |
12.00-12.30 |
Guild Concert 9 on Martini-carillon (Lyn Fuller - CSA). |
12.30-13.00 |
Guild Concert 10 on Martini-carillon (Monika Kazmierszak - PCS). |
13.00-14.00 |
General Assembly - Closing Session (Academy building | Groningen). |
14.10-15.10 |
Presentation of four new compositions on Martini-carillon (Roy Kroezen | Toru Takao). |
15.10-15.30 |
Break with drinks. |
15.30-16.15 |
Discussion on interpretation new compositions (composers | carillonneurs). |
16.30-17.45 |
Congres Concert 8 on Martini-carillon - with ringing bells (Adolph Rots & Auke de Boer - quatre mains). |
17.45-19.15 |
Free for dinner. |
19.30-21.00 |
Congress Concert 9 on travelling carillon - Vismarkt | Groningen (Paul Maassen and fusion band). |
