MIDDELBURG - On Saturday 5 July 2008 the Nederlandse Klokkenspel-Vereniging organizes in cooperation with and on the initiative of the Roosevelt Academy in Middelburg an International Carillon Competition on the carillon of the Abdijtower in Middelburg. The carillon is installed in the top of a high, fairly open tower and has a standard North-European keyboard.
The instrument is tuned in equal temperament and consists of 49 bells, that is four octaves without c#1 but with b-flat0 and e-flat1 in the pedal. The carillon tranposes a minor third down. One bell was cast in 1715 by the founders Noorden & De Grave and 23 were made by Van Bergen in 1950. Royal Bell-foundry Eijsbouts in Asten added 25 bells in 1984.
CONTEST The contest starts at 10.30 hours and ends with the prize-giving ceremony at 19.00 hours. The competition has two categories: carillonneurs with a diploma and carillonneurs without a diploma. The maximum playing time for every candidate is 20 minutes.
Category B (still without a diploma on 1 January 2008) is performing in the morning. For this category the compulsary pieces are excerpts of Suite no. 1 for harpsichord of Pierre Bustijn (1649-1729) in an arrangement of Geert D'hollander . Every candidate has to play at least one freely chosen original composition. More works are allowed, on the condition that the maximum playing time of 20 minutes is not exceeded!
Category A (with diploma) is performing in the afternoon, starting at 15.30 hours. For this category the compulsary work is Impromptu op. 27 nr. 7 of Gerard von Brucken Fock (1859-1936) as arranged by Geert D'hollander . Every candidate has to play at least one freely chosen original carillon composition and can pick other works as desired. It is however not allowed to exceed the maximum playing time of 20 minutes!
AWARDS Category A. The 1st prize is € 1000 and three recitals in 2009. The 2nd prize amounts € 750 and two recitals in 2009. Category B. The 1st prize is € 500 and one recital in 2009 and the 2nd prize € 250.
JURY Members of the jury are Albert Clement (chairman, professor of Musicology, and organist), Geert D'hollander (carillonneur and carillon teacher), Gideon Bodden (carillonneur and campanologist), Gijsbert Kok (carillonneur and organist), Henk G. van Putten (carillonneur and organist), Kees van Eersel (carillonneur and organist), and Koen Van Assche (carillonneur and carillon teacher). The jury is assisted by a non-voting secretary. The jury regulations of the NKV are applicable. The compulsary piece and the freely chosen work(s) will be equally appraised by the jury.
OTHER CONTEST REGULATIONS The findings of the jury are final, the jury has the right not to award one or more prizes. When freely selected works exceed the maximum time, the jury may delete a portion of the piece or leave some of it without rating. The sequence in which the participants will perform is decided upon by drawing lots. The jury will not know the identity of the participants. So participants are judged anonymously.
INVITATION You are kindly invited to participate in this contest. The application period starts on Monday 7 April 2008 and closes on Wednesday 30 April 2008. The entry fee for this contest is € 25. To enter the competition, please send a letter or an e-mail together with a list with your choice of works to be performed to: Hylke Banning, Hof der Herinnering 31, NL-3823 WV Amersfoort, The Netherlands, e-mail . A copy of all free chosen work(s) has also to be sent (later) to this address. None of the music sheets may contain notes that could enable the jury to identify the participant.
Only six candidates for category B and eight for category A will be admitted to the contest. In case of too many candidates, the organization will select the candidates based on the level of technical difficulty of the pieces to be played by a candidate.
Participants have the opportunity to try out the carillon beforehand (maximum playing time 30 minutes per participant). Please contact either: Geert D'hollander, e-mail , phone +32 486 31 63 49 or Henk G. van Putten, e-mail , phone +31 186 69 22 84.
CARILLON SUMMER SCHOOL IN MIDDELBURG Roosevelt Academy, the international Honors College of Utrecht University in Zeeland, offers you a challenging course in carillon within the Summer School program of Utrecht University. The monumental town of Middelburg and its surroundings provide eager participants with four interesting carillons, including those in Veere and Vlissingen.
A team of internationally recognized specialists including Bernard Winsemius, Kees van Eersel, Gideon Bodden and Geert D'hollander will instruct the participants. Concerts - including organ concerts and fortepiano concerts - will be part of the program as well. The main subject of the summer course is Carillon Culture of the 17th and 18th Centuries.
Period: 5-12 juli. Fee: € 300 (includes housing, course materials and excursions). The flyer contains detailed information about the summer course .