OSLO - The programme of the 14th World Congress of the World Carillon Federation to be held in Oslo (Norway) consists of a variety of activities. Recital programmes and lectures throughout the congress will reflect the theme of the Congress: The Voice of the City. Recitals will not only be given on the carillon of the City Hall and on the Travelling Carillon of the Norwegian bell-founder Olsen Nauen, but als on the new carillon of Oslo Cathedral and the new carillon of the Uranienborg Church.
The congress starts officially on Sunday June 27, 2004 and ends on Thursday July 1, 2004. The Executive Committee and the Committee of Delegates meet on Saturday June 26 and on Wednesday June 30 in the City Hall.
10.30-13.00 |
WCF Executive Committee meeting. |
18.00-22.00 |
WCF Committee of Delegates meeting. |
10.00-10.50 |
Congress Concert 1 on Cathedral Carillon (Ann-Kirstine Christiansen). |
11.00-12.15 |
Mass in the Cathedral celebrated by Dean Olav Dag Hauge. |
12.15-13.00 |
Open Tower Cathedral Carillon. |
13.00-14.00 |
Guild Concerts on Cathedral Carillon (Stefano Colletti & Anna Maria Reverté - GCF / Georg Köppl - DGV). |
15.00-15.30 |
Congress Concert 2 on City Hall Carillon (Anne Kroeze). |
16.00-16.45 |
Formal opening of Congress in the Town Council Chamber of the City Hall. |
17.00-17.45 |
Lecture 1: "Bells in different communities and time" (Rainer Schütte). |
18.00-18.45 |
Lecture 2: "Healing Bells" (Audun Myskja). |
18.45-20.00 |
Delegates free for dinner. |
20.00-21.30 |
Five-minutes reports of the 12 National Guild Presidents, or their representatives. |
22.00-22.50 |
Congress Concert 3 on the Travelling Carillon (Geert D'hollander & Liesbeth Janssens). |
23.00-23.30 |
Whiskey Reception. |
9.30-10.15 |
Forum: The carillon music score (Karel Keldermans, Beverly Buchanan, Eddy Mariën). |
10.30-11.30 |
Forum: Automatic music for carillon (Jacques Maassen, Ann-Kirstine Christiansen). |
12.00-13.00 |
Guild Concerts on City Hall Carillon (Karel Keldermans - GCNA / Adrian Gebruers - BCS). |
13.00-14.00 |
Music Shop open. |
14.00-14.30 |
Lecture 3: "1700-th century carillon music from Ghent and Brussels" (Margo Halsted). |
14.30-15.00 |
Lecture 4: "Automatic music - comparison of pneumatic and electromagnetic automation of carillons" (Clock-o-matic). |
16.00-16.45 |
Composer's Forum 1: Flemish contemporary music and my own compositions (Geert D'hollander). |
17.00-17.45 |
Composer's Forum 2: Arne Nordheim's music and his interest in bells (Arne Nordheim). |
18.00-18.50 |
Congress Concert 4 on City Hall Carillon (Jacques Maassen). |
19.00-22.00 |
Delegates free for dinner. |
19.00-21.30 |
Music Shop open. |
19.15-20.15 |
Concert Sonus Handbell Ensemble in Markus Church. |
19.30-21.30 |
Open Tower City Hall Carillon. |
22.00-22.50 |
Congress Concert 5 on the Travelling Carillon (Peter Langberg). |
23.00-23.30 |
Wodka Reception. |
9.30 |
Congress Tour: Departure from Rica Victoria Hotel. |
10.30-11.00 |
Congress Concert 6 on Carillon of Bragernes Church in Drammen (Beverly Buchanan). |
13.00-13.30 |
Guild Concert on Carillon of Sandefjord Church in Sandefjord (Arnfinn Nedland - NSCK). |
14.30-15.00 |
Casting of bells in the Olsen Nauen Bell Foundry in Tønsberg. |
15.00-16.45 |
Video presentation and Museum Visit |
17.00-17.45 |
Carillon Forum 1: Carillon Design (Milford Myhre, Marc Van Eyck, Peter Langberg). |
18.00-18.45 |
Carillon Forum 2: The keyboard - where do we go from now? (John Courter, Norbert van Wijnsberge). |
19.00-19.45 |
Carillon Forum 3: Cooperation between bell founder and musician towards the best carillon (Ole Olsen Nauen, Morten Olsen Nauen, Karel Keldermans). |
20.00-22.00 |
Dinner in the Museum. |
20.30-21.00 |
Congress Concert 7 on the Travelling Carillon (Eddy Mariën). |
21.00-21.30 |
Guild Concert on the Travelling Carillon (Jill Forrest - CSA). |
23.30 |
Arrival at Rica Victoria Hotel. |
9.00-12.00 |
Free time for museum visits and shopping. |
9.00-11.30 |
Music Shop open. |
9.00-11.30 |
Open tower Uranienborg Carillon. |
9.00-11.00 |
WCF Committee of Delegates meeting (City Hall). This will include: 1) Members of the Stichting Martini-Beiaard Groningen will make a presentation advocating the holding of Congress 2008 in Groningen; 2) Members of the Carillon Society of Australie will make a presentation advocating the holding of Congress 2008 in Sydney and Canberra. |
12.00-12.30 |
Guild concerts on Uranienborg Carillon (Marc Van Eyck - VBV, Frans Haagen - NKV). |
14.00-14.45 |
Lecture 5: "The voice of Barcelona" (Anna Maria Reverté). |
15.00-15.45 |
Lecture 6: "The voice of the City - Carillon Festival in Venlo" (Marcel Siebers) |
16.00-16.30 |
Lecture 7: "In search for The Voice of the City - Programmes and reviews of carillon concerts in Rotterdam" (Laura Meilink-Hoedemaker). |
16.30-18.00 |
Delegates free for dinner. |
16.30-17.30 |
Music Shop open. |
18.00-19.15 |
Congress Concert 8 on Uranienborg Carillon (Ana & Sara Elias / Anna Maria Reverté). |
20.30-22.00 |
Reception of the Mayor of Oslo in the City Hall, with Her Majesty Queen Sonja as guest of honour. |
22.30-0.00 |
Firework concert: The Royal Norwegian Navy Orchestra with Travelling Carillon (Vegar Sandholt). |
9.30-10.150 |
Forum: The WCF Congress in the Past and in the Future (Grzegorz Szychlinski, Gert Oldenbeuving). |
10.30-11.15 |
Lecture 8: The Carillon Music of Jef Rottiers (Eddy Mariën). |
12.00-12.30 |
Congress Concert 9 on City Hall Carillon (Eddy Mariën). |
12.30-13.00 |
Guild Concert on City Hall Carillon (Malgosia Drzewiecka - PCS). |
13.15-13.45 |
Congress Photo. |
14.00-14.45 |
Closing public session for delegates in City Hall, including presentation Grzegorz Szychlinski on Congress 2006 in Gdansk. |
15.30-16.30 |
Music Shop open. |
17.00-18.00 |
Concert in Oslo Cathedral with Sonus Handbell Ensemble, Marias Hesby (trombone) and the Congress Orchestra. |
19.30-23.00 |
Boat trip on the Oslo Fjord with Traditional Norwegian prawn buffet and Henning Anderson playing Norwegian folkmusic instruments. |
