PERPIGNAN - The 31st edition of Perpignans Sacred Music Festival will take place from March 9-20, 2019. The international interest for this festival is increasing year after year, with visitors coming from all over Europe.
A carillon concert is programmed each year during this festival with the Association of the Friends of the St. John the Baptist Cathedral Carillon. Since 2015, this dynamic partnership includes a carillon composition contest. For the third time, the Festival and the Friends of the Carillon invite you to participate in this carillon composition contest.
The laureate's oeuvre will be premiered during the carillon concert programmed on Saturday April 13, 2019 and interpreted by the cathedral carillonneurs, Elizabeth Vitu and Laurent Pie.
CONDITIONS The conditions for the composition contest for the city of Perpignan are:
- Composition: for two carillonneurs.
- Duration: 2 minutes.
- Amédée Bollée carillon: 46 bells - 4 octaves c1 - c4, missing c#, d# and g# in the lower octave, the instrument transposes up to d1 (further details on the Bollée carillon of Perpignan can be sent upon request).
- Theme: each year, the Sacred Music Festival has an underlying theme. In 2019, the theme will be 'Nocturne'. However, the carillon concert will be part of a day and night of dance, expressing a sacred ritual, and spiritual celebration. The composed piece will be played as opening of the concert placed between a bagad concert and that of a coblà, accompanying traditional Breton and Catalan dances. The composition should be maestoso: with a dynamic and brilliant character.
- Due date: December 20, 2018, please sent to Elizabeth Vitu

- Publicity: the radio, and local and regional press will cover the event. An article will be sent to carillon organizations worldwide.
AWARD The laureate will receive an award of 500 euros. The winning composition will be published by American Carillon Music Editions.
JURY Members of the jury are: Michel Peus (concert pianist, retired vice-director of the Perpignan-Mediterranee Regional Conservatory of Music, Founder and Artistic Director of the Elne International Piano Fortissimo Festival), Jean-Philippe Cazenove (contre-bassiste, international concertist), and Christine Laugié-Vanhoute (maître-carillonneur and carillon professor at the Music School of Pamiers - a branch of the French Carillon School of Douai, Founder Les Carillons en Pays-d'Oc). The jury will officially announce the laurate mid-January 2019.