Confraria de Campaners i Carillonistes de Catalunya (CCCC)

Barcelona  |  Catalonia  |  June 7, 2024

International Festival on the carillon of Barcelona

Next July, the thirty-first Barcelona International Carillon Festival will take place. The Palace of the Generality of Catalonia acquired a concert carillon in 1976 at the instigation of the carillonist Maria Dolors Coll (1923-2006). Today, the titular carillonist Anna Maria Reverté offers recitals every working day at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m., and a one-hour concert on the first Sunday of every month.

Following on from the previous edition of the festival, six concerts will be offered, still at 9 p.m.

Stefano Colletti (France), Friday July 19
Isaac Wong (Australia), Saturday July 20
Abel Chaves (Portugal), Sunday July 21
Dina Verheyden (Belgium), Friday July 26
Richard de Waardt (Netherlands), Saturday July 27
Anna Maria Reverté, carillon, and Sergi Marquillas, trumpet - une soirée cinéma, Sunday July 28

The Palace of the Generality has special spaces for listening to these concerts. Entrance is free but it is necessary to register via the website or by telephone. The concerts can also be viewed (live and recorded) on the Youtube(c) channel. All information is available at the this website.

Blai Ciurana i Abellí, secrétaire de la Confraria de Campaners i Carillonistes de Catalunya

Barcelona  |  Catalonia  |  March 8, 2024

Thirtieth Barcelona Carillon Festival, summer 2023

Since July 1994, the Catalan capital has hosted the Barcelona International Carillon Festival, at the Palace of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya). This initiative was driven by carillonists Maria Dolors Coll and Anna Maria Reverté to close the annual concert season and give the public the opportunity to discover performers from other countries.

In 2023, we celebrated the thirtieth edition of the festival. Over two weekends, a total of six concerts took place. The first was given by the Catalan trio Anna Maria Reverté (carillon), Maria Maria Lluïsa Beltran (piano) and Jaume Feliu (transverse flute).

The performers for the other four were Margaret Pan (United States), Marc Van Bets (Belgium), Boudewijn Zwart (Netherlands), and Thomas Laue (Australia).

The last concert was titled "A night full of surprises with sweet collaborations". Anna Maria Reverté (carillon), Alfons Reverté Sr. (clarinet), Blai Ciurana (carillon), Juan Francisco Ruiz (percussion) and the dance school l'Esbart Dansaire de Rubí participated.

Every first Sunday of the month at noon, there is a one-hour concert. Entrance is free but reservation is required. There is also a YouTube channel to follow these concerts live.

All information on the concerts, the festival and registrations are available on the Carillon de la Généralité website (in English, Spanish, Catalan and Occitan of Arragon).

Palau de la Generalitat

The carillon on the palace roof.