Carillon Vereenegung Lëtzebuerg (CVL)

Echternach  |  Luxemburg  |  June 7, 2024


Since May 2023 the new concert series has run on Echternachter's carillon.

KLACKESPILL & MOART concerts are held throughout the year, every second Wednesday of the month at 11:05-12:00. They accompany the monthly market. The concerts are programmed (programs are printed, emailed to a mailing list and posted on social media).The idea is that they are public-friendly concerts.

The objective is to involve the local community in the concerts - anyone can choose/suggest a song to be performed. The purpose of organizing these concerts is to promote the carillon as an instrument that accompanies the life of the local community.

The concerts are held as a result of cooperation between the Echternach Basilica and the Stadt Marketing. The concert performer is Luxembourg-based carillonist Anna Kasprzycka. Guest concerts are also planned. These concerts were highlighted in the News Flash on television.

Anna Kasprzycka

At the keyboard of the carillon in Echternach.

Echternach  |  Luxemburg  |  March 8, 2024

Walks to the carillon of Echternach

All summer, from July 17 to August 21, 2024, the Echternach carillon hosts 'walks' every Wednesday between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

The season will begin on July 17 with a dedication concert with the appointed carillonist, Fabrice Renard, and the novelist Marianne Poncelet, also vice-president of the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.

This initiative is a collaboration between the regional music school of the town of Echternach, the Saint Willibrord Basilica of Echternach, the Echternach Tourist Office and the Stadt Marketing non-profit association.

Willibrordes Basilika Echternach

The carillon consists of 47 bells.