Polskie Stowarzyszenie Carillonowe (PSC)

Gdańsk  |  Poland  |  June 7, 2024

Gdańsk Tower Music Festival

Since 15th century there is a tradition of tower trumpeters concert in Gdańsk. The carillon has joined their concerts at least from mid-19th century. The group Tubicinatores Gedanses (Gdańsk Trumpeters) decided to revive this old tradition of playing together that was stopped by World War II.

Every Monday and Thursday from 29 July till 15 August there will be 20-minutes concerts on three Gdańsk towers, played by 4 trumpeters (natural trumpets), carillonist and drummer. The musicians are dressed in historical costumes and between the towers accompanied by a group of historical re-enactors of bourgeois and military figures from the 18th century, as well as urban shouters. Watch them on YouTube.

In addition to these events a series of educational concerts on the mobile carillon Mobillon will take place in the period 26 May till 14 July.

Gdańsk  |  Poland  |  March 8, 2024

Carillon music

Gdańsk Carillon Book is a serie of carillon music with arrangements and original compositions for carillon. 2019 and 2023 are available, also as PDF on this website. There are plans for a new edition in 2025. Katarzyna Kwiecień - Długosz has published new carillon compositions at Ars Musica publishing house.

Another ongoing project is the commissioning of carillon compositions from Polish composers. Nine compositions have already been published, a CD has been recorded, and one or two others should see the light of day during the year. Sheet music can be purchased on this website.

For more information on carillon activities in Poland, visit our website and our Facebook page.

Carillon book

A set of arrangements and original compositions for carillon.