Vlaamse Beiaard Vereniging (VBV)

Belgium / Flanders  |  November 20, 2025

Results of the Queen Fabiola competition

The Vlaamse Beiaardvereniging proudly looks back on the International Carillon Competition Queen Fabiola 2024, which took place from July 10 to 14. This prestigious event brought together fifteen talented carillonists from five different countries (Belgium, Canada, the United States, Ukraine, and Australia), each delivering performances of exceptional quality. After two intense days of selections, the jury chose the final five laureates. The competition not only showcased the virtuosity of the participants but also highlighted the versatility of the carillon art. We were delighted to welcome many international carillonists and carillon enthusiasts in the audience as well!

In addition to the jury prizes, an audience prize was also organized and awarded by the Vlaamse Beiaardvereniging. The audience had the opportunity to vote during the final days and reward their favorite finalist. The winner of this audience prize was Oleksandra Makarova (Ukraine), whose interpretations and artistic level won the hearts of the audience. She received a cash prize and a bronze bell. We look forward to the promising career that lies ahead of her.

We congratulate all participants, finalists and thank the audience for their enthusiastic support. This competition is a significant moment for the carillon world and a source of inspiration for all who cherish this unique art form. We already look forward to the next edition!

Keep an eye on the facebook page of the Royal Carillon School for more pictures and videos! You can rewatch the final via YouTube.

Cao Linh Pham (USA), Oleksandra Makarova (UA), Claire Janezic (USA), Anne Lu (CAN), Annie Gao (USA), Joseph Min (USA)

Joseph Min (USA), Claire Janezic (USA), Annie Gao (USA), Anne Lu (CAN), Oleksandra Makarova (UA)

Belgium / Flanders  |  June 7, 2024

Celebrating Europe Day and the 200th Anniversary of Ode to Joy (Beethoven)

On May 9, 2024, we celebrated Europe Day and the 200th anniversary of Beethoven's 9th Symphony! As part of the Belgian presidency of the European Union during the first six months of 2024, the Representation of the European Commission in Belgium, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, highlighted the European Union through a series of activities.

Naturally, the Belgian carillons could not be left out. The Flemish Carillon Association and the European Commission called on all Belgian carillonneurs to play the European anthem, 'Ode to Joy' from Beethoven's 9th Symphony, on as many carillons as possible at precisely 1:00 PM on May 9. The Flemish Carillon Association (VBV) supported this initiative and encouraged its members to participate in this special event. The goal was not only to mark this festive day but also to highlight the rich cultural heritage of carillon music.

The carillon action was a success! A large number of participants filmed their performances, and a video will be posted online. So be sure to keep an eye on the Flemish Carillon Association's Facebook page!

Mechelen  |  Belgium / Flanders  |  March 8, 2024

International Carillon Competition Queen Fabiola 2024

We are pleased to announce that this year we are ready for the ninth Queen Fabiola International Carillon Competition, which will take place from 10 – 14 July 2024 in Mechelen! You are cordially invited to experience this unique event where talented international carillonneurs gather and compete for the first prize. During two pre-selection days, five finalists will be selected who will perform during the two final days.

Are you a potential candidate yourself? Then you can still register until April 30, 2024 via this website where all necessary information, the registration form and the competition regulations can be found.

This competition is one of the most important of its kind and is organized every five years by the Royal Carillon School Mechelen and the City of Mechelen. In this competition we are looking for versatile carillonneurs of the highest level. This time the two compulsory works are by Joey Brink (solo carillon) and Jeroen Malaise (chamber carillon, percussion and piano). The complete course of the competition and the requested repertoire can be found on the website as above. This edition we will once again be awarding great prizes to the finalists :

First Prize (€ 3,000) : from the Flemish Prime Minister
Second Prize (€ 2,000) : from the City of Mechelen and the Royal Guides Association of Mechelen
Third Prize (€ 1,500) : from Toren & Beiaard
Fourth Prize (€ 1,300) : from the World Carillon Federation
Fifth Prize (€ 1,000) : from Clock-O-Matic
Improvisation Prize (€ 1,000) : from Campanae Lovaniensis, Roeselaarse Klokkengilde and the Carillon Society of Australia
SABAM Prize (€ 1,000) : for the best performed contemporary work by a Belgian composer
Audience Award (€ 250 + bronze bell) : from the Flemish Carillon Association

We are looking forward to this edition of the Queen Fabiola International Carillon Competition 2024 and hope to welcome many of you there as a candidate or in the audience. More information can be found on the competition website.

St. Rumbold's tower

The 97 meter high tower of St. Rumbold's Cathedral in Mechelen.